Elmer Keith Forums

Elmer Keith Memorial Shoot Forums > Mr Keith > Elmers Magnum Knife


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
10/08/09 at 08:54 AM

I ordered my Keith Knife, and am awaiting delivery. It is going for around 59.00 at the right site. United wants 92, but it is much cheaper elsewhere. The reviews are great, sharp edge, easy to sharpen, holds edge a long time, rugged in the extreme,ect.
They are calling it the Recon HRT. Why I have no idea. Maybe they could not reach a settlement with Elmers son.
It is a faithful copy of Hibbens first Keith knife, not the ones given free to subscribers to Guns and Ammo. It is what Elmers personal knife was. In Gil Hibbens section on old catalogs, the one in 1965 has a picture of this knife. The only difference is there is no second tang on the top. Elmer wanted the second tang, but it was left off accidently by Gil.
The protusion that is mentioned is for hammering the knife through the hip area of an Elk or deer, for Quartering. Some of you have never done this, but Elmer had a lot of experiance in this field. This is the knive he made. Not one to look at, one to USE.


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
10/08/09 at 09:24 AM

$59.00 sounds more along the lines of my budget then $700.00
Where did you order it from?


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
10/11/09 at 03:47 PM

BudK.com.  http://budk.com/product.aspx?sku=17%20GH5001&
I can't wait to see this monster. 10 inches overall, 5 1/2 inch blade, 2 inches wide, 3/16 thick. Not as heavy as Elmers, 3/8. But heavy enough for ordinary people. Still designed by Elmer, and Gil Hibben.   Two legends in one knife. Nice sheath too. I am going to basket weave mine, like Elmers was.


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
10/11/09 at 07:09 PM

Can't hardly believe the price. Let us know the quality when yours arrives.


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
10/14/09 at 07:27 PM

The knife just came in. It is on my hip as I write this. It will probably stay there until some archeologist digs up my bones, and puts me on display as a type of dinosaur, complete with single metal claw. It is the most functional, well made,balanced and practical knife I have ever owned. Quality all the way through. It is not a big blade, and not a small one. Just right.
Gil Hibbens name signed on the blade. Stainless steel and laminated multi colored wood, with black and red spacers on the butt end, and the tang end of the grip. Everything finished perfectly. Heavy enough for any job,( I will cut down a tree tomorrow,to see how well it works, and if it holds an edge) . The sheath is heavy leather, tight fitted, and QUALITY. This reaks ELMER. You can imagine the 577 Lancaster in your hands, and the 333 OKH nearby. Smell powder smoke, and mesquite campfires. At least I can.

Anyway, buy one when you can.
The memorial should get a special run made, for donations of 200 dollars or more for the fund, with grained Faux ivory grips,basket weave scabbord, and Elmers likeness on the blade. Or scrimshawed on the grip.  His signature on the blade.
Just a thought.


Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74
10/14/09 at 07:32 PM

I like your idea on the special run would be something!


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
10/14/09 at 08:28 PM

Have them serialized. No.1 going to Ted Keith, for the Cabelas museum. No.2 going to Al, No.3, well you can imagine.
This way we may be able to get Ted to acknowledge us finally. Maybe get a hello. Maybe Gregor ,Elmers grandson,will take the ball and run with it, I don't know. He should be in his 50s now. Just an idea


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
10/15/09 at 05:07 AM

My report on the Knife.
1. Gets sharp as a razor blade, I shaved with it. Smoothest shave I have had in years.
2. Cut large limb off of Maple tree. Hard wood. Used like an axe. Still able to shave with it, without sharpening.
3. Bumped the back of my hand with the blade. CUT ME RIGHT NOW.
4. Was very easy to put a sharp edge on.(really sharp)
any questions.


Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74
10/15/09 at 07:53 AM

Get the band aids out, That`s why `I didn`t teach my kids how to play mumbley peg.


Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74
10/15/09 at 12:37 PM

If we are putting in requests for serial numbers I would like # 44 please Thanks.


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
10/18/09 at 06:43 PM

Marksman, help with the project and you can have any number you want. I had an Idea, about a DELUXE EDITION, made by Gil Hibben, Real ivory grips, gold inlayed signature, scrimshawed picture of Elmer on the display box, velvet lined, with a copy of Elmers letter to Gil Hibben on how to build the knife. Would that not be something?


Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74
10/18/09 at 07:31 PM

I`ll Help if I can what can I do?


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
10/20/09 at 03:06 PM

Ask Albroswift. All I am doing is comeing up with ideas, and testing the knife for value.
So far.
wearing all the time, I found
very comfortable
Never goes dull


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
10/23/09 at 06:42 AM

Haven't had the time to really get this rolling yet, but the general idea is this:
A limited run of knives with an engraving and a serial #, looks to be around the $200.00 mark, we need to find out how many we want to limit the run to. I think the #44 should be awarded by some sort of weighted lottery, with everyone who pre-orders getting one entry, anyone who pre-orders with a deposit getting a second entry, anyone who bought a tee shirt or a book or donated items getting a 3rd entry, (HA!) etc.
Need ideas for the engraving and any other input.


Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74
10/23/09 at 07:23 AM

Serial numbered,Coco bolo or rosewood grip panels,brass hilt and heel,Elmer`s bust or signature on blade in a basket-weave leather sheath, my suggestions for what there worth.
I would like to be clear when you said $200 that's what we are asking for the knives not what they cost (thinking of fund) we will be making a good return on the investment am I correct in that thinking?
Limited run how many do you think we will sell, and how long to do it,after getting orders, getting deposits is good idea,how many extra do we order this first run, if it gets out of hand another second run can be had at a later date,this project is a little more than having tee shirts made,is 100 too little and 500 too many?

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