Elmer Keith Forums

Elmer Keith Memorial Shoot Forums > Mr Keith > Elmers Magnum Knife


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
08/28/08 at 06:08 AM

Elmer designed a knife for general use. Anyone who has one will say it is the best knife design for caping, gutting, and all around camp use. Guns and Ammo gave some away years ago for a subscription. In good shape, they go for BIG BUCKS. Here is a link for the current maker., He states that it is one of his most popular models. He is the man Elmer collaborated with designing it. Gil Hibben is FIRST CLASS. Not cheap, but worth every penny. 



Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
09/09/08 at 09:31 AM

$700.00 price tag, probably won't be getting one any time soon...
Actually one of his less expensive works.


Registered: 06/03/08
Posts: 2
09/29/08 at 10:19 AM

Just when I thought I would have a thousand dollars left over  when I die...


Registered: 01/25/09
Posts: 26
01/26/09 at 11:54 AM

I know it's odd, (Well, maybe not to you guys) but I had a dream about a knife similar to that, just last night!

......wierd, huh?


Registered: 06/03/08
Posts: 37
01/26/09 at 12:16 PM

and now you are here.


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
03/13/09 at 02:14 PM

Just a note notifying the members of a return of Elmers Knife.  United Cutlery is making it, and it will be available in April 2009. They told me that they will call me first on the pricing. I am going to see if I can get a special run for the Elmer Keith Memorial Website.
Link  http://www.tactical-life.com/online/tactical-knives/magnum-comeback/


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
03/13/09 at 03:35 PM

Man one of those would look good on my gunbelt! Good to here from you again, Gunsmith! Any new projects?

PS still trying to straighten out the board, bear with me!


Registered: 01/03/09
Posts: 109
03/14/09 at 08:18 AM

You know I like everything Elmer BUT that knife is not esthetically pleasing. I thought United States Cutlery was out of business??



Registered: 01/25/09
Posts: 26
03/14/09 at 04:02 PM

I agree; if I got one of those, the first thing I'd do is de-horn it. Way too much excess crap sticking out.


Registered: 02/21/09
Posts: 88
05/24/09 at 06:42 AM

This is my version of Keiths knife. Set my spec`s to knifemaker J.L. Chaffee.
The blade is 3/8" thick of D-2 steel....it sure is a handfull.....


Registered: 01/25/09
Posts: 26
05/25/09 at 10:18 PM

Gimme one of those, a bench grinder, and half an hour, and I'd make a pretty good kife!


Registered: 02/21/09
Posts: 88
05/26/09 at 03:07 PM

Spurrit,    I`am sure you`ve heard the expression " beauty is in the eye of the beholder "..........wish I had an extra knife to see what your "beauty" would look like in the 1/2 hour.


Registered: 01/03/09
Posts: 140
05/26/09 at 08:18 PM

James,  I like that wide blade, looks about perfect for tough skinning jobs like a big bear. Are those Jordan Trooper grips on that M-29 ?


Registered: 01/25/09
Posts: 26
05/27/09 at 12:30 PM

To me, the beauty is in the utility of a tool. Engraved guns are nice in museums, but no good in the brush. If I hesitate to use a tool because of how it looks, it's useless.


Registered: 02/21/09
Posts: 88
05/31/09 at 07:36 AM

Gentlemen, Lets not loose sight of the fact that the knives in question were designed, or follow the design made by Elmer Keith. Enough said.....

Chris, Yes....they are Jordon Troopers on the M-29.


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
10/08/09 at 08:54 AM

I ordered my Keith Knife, and am awaiting delivery. It is going for around 59.00 at the right site. United wants 92, but it is much cheaper elsewhere. The reviews are great, sharp edge, easy to sharpen, holds edge a long time, rugged in the extreme,ect.
They are calling it the Recon HRT. Why I have no idea. Maybe they could not reach a settlement with Elmers son.
It is a faithful copy of Hibbens first Keith knife, not the ones given free to subscribers to Guns and Ammo. It is what Elmers personal knife was. In Gil Hibbens section on old catalogs, the one in 1965 has a picture of this knife. The only difference is there is no second tang on the top. Elmer wanted the second tang, but it was left off accidently by Gil.
The protusion that is mentioned is for hammering the knife through the hip area of an Elk or deer, for Quartering. Some of you have never done this, but Elmer had a lot of experiance in this field. This is the knive he made. Not one to look at, one to USE.


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
10/08/09 at 09:24 AM

$59.00 sounds more along the lines of my budget then $700.00
Where did you order it from?


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
10/11/09 at 03:47 PM

BudK.com.  http://budk.com/product.aspx?sku=17%20GH5001&
I can't wait to see this monster. 10 inches overall, 5 1/2 inch blade, 2 inches wide, 3/16 thick. Not as heavy as Elmers, 3/8. But heavy enough for ordinary people. Still designed by Elmer, and Gil Hibben.   Two legends in one knife. Nice sheath too. I am going to basket weave mine, like Elmers was.


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
10/11/09 at 07:09 PM

Can't hardly believe the price. Let us know the quality when yours arrives.


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
10/14/09 at 07:27 PM

The knife just came in. It is on my hip as I write this. It will probably stay there until some archeologist digs up my bones, and puts me on display as a type of dinosaur, complete with single metal claw. It is the most functional, well made,balanced and practical knife I have ever owned. Quality all the way through. It is not a big blade, and not a small one. Just right.
Gil Hibbens name signed on the blade. Stainless steel and laminated multi colored wood, with black and red spacers on the butt end, and the tang end of the grip. Everything finished perfectly. Heavy enough for any job,( I will cut down a tree tomorrow,to see how well it works, and if it holds an edge) . The sheath is heavy leather, tight fitted, and QUALITY. This reaks ELMER. You can imagine the 577 Lancaster in your hands, and the 333 OKH nearby. Smell powder smoke, and mesquite campfires. At least I can.

Anyway, buy one when you can.
The memorial should get a special run made, for donations of 200 dollars or more for the fund, with grained Faux ivory grips,basket weave scabbord, and Elmers likeness on the blade. Or scrimshawed on the grip.  His signature on the blade.
Just a thought.


Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74
10/14/09 at 07:32 PM

I like your idea on the special run would be something!


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
10/14/09 at 08:28 PM

Have them serialized. No.1 going to Ted Keith, for the Cabelas museum. No.2 going to Al, No.3, well you can imagine.
This way we may be able to get Ted to acknowledge us finally. Maybe get a hello. Maybe Gregor ,Elmers grandson,will take the ball and run with it, I don't know. He should be in his 50s now. Just an idea


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
10/15/09 at 05:07 AM

My report on the Knife.
1. Gets sharp as a razor blade, I shaved with it. Smoothest shave I have had in years.
2. Cut large limb off of Maple tree. Hard wood. Used like an axe. Still able to shave with it, without sharpening.
3. Bumped the back of my hand with the blade. CUT ME RIGHT NOW.
4. Was very easy to put a sharp edge on.(really sharp)
any questions.


Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74
10/15/09 at 07:53 AM

Get the band aids out, That`s why `I didn`t teach my kids how to play mumbley peg.


Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74
10/15/09 at 12:37 PM

If we are putting in requests for serial numbers I would like # 44 please Thanks.


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
10/18/09 at 06:43 PM

Marksman, help with the project and you can have any number you want. I had an Idea, about a DELUXE EDITION, made by Gil Hibben, Real ivory grips, gold inlayed signature, scrimshawed picture of Elmer on the display box, velvet lined, with a copy of Elmers letter to Gil Hibben on how to build the knife. Would that not be something?


Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74
10/18/09 at 07:31 PM

I`ll Help if I can what can I do?


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
10/20/09 at 03:06 PM

Ask Albroswift. All I am doing is comeing up with ideas, and testing the knife for value.
So far.
wearing all the time, I found
very comfortable
Never goes dull


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
10/23/09 at 06:42 AM

Haven't had the time to really get this rolling yet, but the general idea is this:
A limited run of knives with an engraving and a serial #, looks to be around the $200.00 mark, we need to find out how many we want to limit the run to. I think the #44 should be awarded by some sort of weighted lottery, with everyone who pre-orders getting one entry, anyone who pre-orders with a deposit getting a second entry, anyone who bought a tee shirt or a book or donated items getting a 3rd entry, (HA!) etc.
Need ideas for the engraving and any other input.


Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74
10/23/09 at 07:23 AM

Serial numbered,Coco bolo or rosewood grip panels,brass hilt and heel,Elmer`s bust or signature on blade in a basket-weave leather sheath, my suggestions for what there worth.
I would like to be clear when you said $200 that's what we are asking for the knives not what they cost (thinking of fund) we will be making a good return on the investment am I correct in that thinking?
Limited run how many do you think we will sell, and how long to do it,after getting orders, getting deposits is good idea,how many extra do we order this first run, if it gets out of hand another second run can be had at a later date,this project is a little more than having tee shirts made,is 100 too little and 500 too many?


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
10/23/09 at 07:44 AM

Like I said, I haven't gotten into this very far, but The goal is to let them go for a donation amount that puts $50.00 or so into the fund. We are just guessing at this point that it would be around $200. Possibly less, $200 is a lot these days. Again, just guessing the run would be min 100 max 200. The knife will probably resemble more closely the one pictured with the rosewood grips. What we really need is to get a handle on how many we expect to need, then the options/ cost part will become more clear. I intend to work up a couple of inscription options to run up the flagpole, could use some help on that.


Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74
10/23/09 at 10:07 AM

His birth and death dates, don`t want to rip off the comm. but sixguns, hell I was there,first outstanding handgunner, all good but we need something great like him jumping over the log snap firing 3 rounds into the rattler then holstering his gun before hitting the ground, seriously he wasn`t a fancy man we should keep it simple.
I also like the idea of the letter reprint to go with the knifes


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
10/23/09 at 08:13 PM

Things are coming along. I personally like the Ivory grips, and I know Elmer was fond of Ivory on his sixguns. Maybe a copy of his signature on one side, and his likeness on the other. Or his likeness on the blade, and his signature on the grips. I think he would have liked that, simple, yet effective. I think the blade needs to be done in high polish, not matte like mine.
The people at United say that a fair number have to be made to make it worth their while,and keep the costs down. I do not know how many that is, but at least they are willing to do it. I think these will be collector items immediatly.Only going up in value in a very short time. Like anything else Elmer related.


Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74
10/24/09 at 06:03 AM

I also like the high polished blade,maybe on the sheath it could say one of Two hundred if that`s what the run would be.
Just a though here is we keep it as close to what they produce already and add the inscriptions the extra costs would be for the polishing and inscriptions that would keep costs down and we would get most of what we are looking for at closer to the price of there standard knife= more$ for the fund!
I believe you are right as soon as one hits the Internet sales floor they will become sought after items, saying that there should be a marking on the knife saying that this is the first run,a date or something that distinguishes it from possible future runs.
Looking good keep the ball rolling!!!  


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
10/31/09 at 10:02 AM

Haven't forgotten about this project, trying to clear my desk of some income related projects first, and hunting season, and...


Registered: 12/01/09
Posts: 6
12/08/09 at 07:23 PM

I have pictures of my Elmer Keith knife that I got from a Guns & Ammo magazine subscription sometime in the late 70's (if my memory is correct). The specs on the knife are as follows: 9 1/2" overall length, blade length 5 1/8", thickness 3/16", round threaded tang, blade width 1 1/2" at the widest point, sawtooth section on back 2" long, brass hilt and pommel, handle is composition possibly micarta. I couldn't figure out how to put the picture in the text so they are attached as jpgs below. I hope they come through.


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
01/31/10 at 02:48 PM

Is anyone interested in this project anymore. It seems it fizzed before birth. What a shame.
I still carry mine, daily. What looks I get around town. People seem to think it is a huge knife. It is a small handful. They should see my Bowie. Now there is a Knife.
Took it to a gunshow. Wore it on my belt. Got offers out the Kazoo. Turned them all down. Could have made a lot of money, but would have lost my knife. I will not go without it for 2 weeks to get another.
It chopped though a maple limb, and still shaved the hair off my arm. That is good enough for me.


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
01/31/10 at 03:01 PM

Haven't lost intrest, just need some up front money,  construction pretty slow around here. Still waiting for my stim-u-less check.


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
02/10/10 at 01:15 AM

How much cash for up front money? We can get that with pre orders.  Enough people will get in on this, especially if Taffin has anything to do with it.
I know he will order one, as well as some of my acquaintances. I will get one also. As long as I have cash on hand at the time.
So much for Hype and Chains. obama has figured out money does not grow on trees. The numbers have to balance sometime. Now to let the rest of the Communists in on the secret. When everyone is broke, no one has any thing. Amazing concept.


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
02/28/10 at 10:52 PM

Found a good article on Elmers Knife online. Here is the link


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
03/01/10 at 07:11 AM

Excelent article.


Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74
03/05/10 at 02:14 PM

PLEASE COUNT ME IN ,,,where do we send the pre order money is the price going to be $200.00? and can we request a serial number?


Registered: 03/07/10
Posts: 4
03/11/10 at 12:13 AM

The knife shown earlier from Guns & Ammo was produced I believe in the late 60s. I do not think that it was the EK knife. I think that the EK knife was produced around the same time and was supposed to follow EK's design but due to production and money issues changed it's look when finally produced for G&A.
If the picture I have tried to attach comes through it is the bottom knife with the stacked washer grip,  the blade is much thinner, about 1/4 " and the curved guard and pommel have shrunk, still a nice knife but not what was planned .  These knives had to have been the best gifts given for taking out a subscription.
I hope the proposed knife comes to fruition, both as a commemerative and as a working knife.


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
03/13/10 at 08:55 PM

The people at United Cutlery are gung ho for the idea. It will only take an order of a good amount for them to make it. The knife is already being made, and all that is needed is an emblem, or engraving and serial numbers applied. I still think white micarta grips would be hot. Them or the Ivoryex grips that are being made, that look like ivory.


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
03/13/10 at 09:21 PM

Help me out here, gunsmith. Can you find out what quantity they would consider a "pretty good order" and the cost, and if they will serialize them? I'm sure I could do a good pattern for the logo.


Registered: 03/07/10
Posts: 4
03/16/10 at 01:28 PM

White Micarta would be splendid on the EK knife.

Did he not say that ivory was the only suitable material for the knife ?

You might also want to consider the fake ivory made by Bar S Grips  (for handguns and knives) also known by the name Tru- Ivory   see them at  www.truivory.com     looks great and good people to do buisness with.

Look forward to more information on the project.


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
03/21/10 at 07:25 PM

I recommended them. They sell the blank material, so the vendor could get it. I hope this gets off the ground.
I am wearing my knife right now. You should see the looks people give me when I have it on. Not a big knife, but you would think I have a machete on or something. I guess Elmer is intimidating no matter where when or what.


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
04/26/10 at 09:15 PM

Is this knife thing ever going to get off the ground? I did all the homework, Calling the manufacturer,getting one to try, and testing it at great length, and then silence.
I guess no one is into Elmer anymore. What a SHAME.


Registered: 03/07/10
Posts: 4
04/27/10 at 10:21 AM

Unless there is a lot of private communication going on I think people are waiting for more information.
I would certainly support such a venture , I even got the HRT knife you mentioned, a lot of knife for very little money , and forty+ years ago I got the G&A EK knife.

The G&A knife ended up with little resemblance to the EK design. So first thing with this project lets see a picture and specs of the proposal with a price and then I think the orders will come in.

Does anyone have the issue of G&A where EK talked about his knife and I think had a picture, so we can get as close to the original design as possible.

What does the manufacturer need from us  ?
Will the Forum front the money and then add say 10% when selling on ?
Or do we first need to amass a minimum number of orders (and cheques) before the order can be placed ?
If numbers are needed will there be a working version as well as a display/members version ?
Is Mr Taffin prepared to give it some space in his columns to get the word out ?
I have seen some of these questions in the thread but have missed the answers.
I agree let's get the show on the road.


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
04/27/10 at 10:39 AM

All it takes is a couple of members such as yourselves to run with it. The forum is paid for by a "out of money private sector building contractor" (me), so fronting the money is probably not an option.
If some of you would be willing to do the legwork, find the answers to all the questions, put a package together, add a percentage for the fund, keep it affordable, we could get the word out and start collecting checks.
I'd really appreciate the help!


Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73
05/04/10 at 08:17 PM

I will call United Cutlery as soon as I can. Maybe I can get a firm price from them.
If not, maybe someone else can contact them, and talk better business than I can. I am just a gunsmith in Pa.