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Elmer Keith Memorial Shoot > Forums > The '09 Shoot > GOOD EVENING, last update

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Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581

    06/01/09 at 06:45 AMReply with quote#1

This is your last update before the shoot next Saturday, June 6, 2009!
Here's what the range looks like today:
Photo by Ed Parry
The field is much more green than last year due to winter and spring precipitation, but dry due to lack of rain for the past several weeks.  The forecast is for temperatures in the low 80's, partly cloudy skies and 10% chance of rain from Thursday through Monday.  That means everyone should bring long johns, insulated boots, hats with ear flaps, heaviest winter coats and foul weather gear as well as sun screen and mosquito repellant.  Murphy's Law, don't you know.  Most of all, Don't forget a CHAIR!
The 675 yard target will be moved a bit closer to make it easier to see among the foliage.  A more equitable scoring system will be devised to discourage the "go for broke" efforts that developed last year on the long range target when Dan Davis effortlessly put scores out of reach of mere mortals on the near targets. 
Regardless, everyone will walk away a champion in his or her class, with a certificate attesting to the fact, suitable for framing and exhibition in a politically incorrect location of his or her choice.  This match is for fun.
Forget a gun.  Forget ammo.  Forget your eye and ear protection. Forget your wife, girlfriend or shooting buddy.  But Pleeeeze, DON'T FORGET A CHAIR!  
Bringing a salad or dessert to complement lunch or dinner will make you eligible for a Great Guy or Gal Award.
As usual, donations for our auction will be sincerely appreciated.  Books, reloading tools, components, camping equipment, especially surplus Smith & Wessons and Colts will find willing bidders among our bargain hunters.  Peter Ice will be conducting the auction again this year to persuade generosity from the most hardened bargain hunters in his most charming and entertaining manner.  Having checkbooks handy will facilitate the process. 
Remember, some lucky soul will be taking home a Freedom Arms Model 83 Saturday night.
Photo by Larry McMillian
In case anyone should forget our cause, here is a recent reminder from Lou Dobbs on CNN:  http://wearechangecoloradosprings.org/blog/?p=594.  One hundred percent of the proceeds from this event go directly to the NRA Foundation where they are put to work defending our Second Amendment rights, including threats like those described in the CNN segment.
Here's our schedule for the day:
7:00 AM Ron Behrens will have coffee brewing to complement Val Kjack's Famous Sticky Rolls
7:45 AM Gene Clow, Head Range Officer, will introduce range officers and conduct first safety meeting. 
Everyone in attendance will be wearing a name tag at all times.  A unique mark will be made on the name tag when a person has participated in a safety meeting.  Only people who have received safety briefings from a Range Officer will be permitted on the firing line.
8:00 AM Sighting-in and practice shooting may begin.
8:00 AM - 12:00 PM Ed Parry will take individual photos for Championship Certificates.
10:50 AM Ron Behrens will take a group photo. 
1:00 - 4:00 PM  Robin Ball's "Refuse to be a Victim Class" .
11:00 - 11:45 AM Lunch - Range Officers, Refuse to be Victim Class, all others.
11:30 AM - 4:00 PM Shooting for score - Range officers, Refuse to be Victim Class, all others
4:00 - 5:00 PM Alibis
5:00 - 7:00 PM Dinner, Auction & Raffle
7:00 - 13:30 AM Lying & Bragging hours 
Have a safe trip.  I'm looking forward to seeing you.  Let me know if you need directions.

“If it rolls, floats, flies or shoots, runs on gasoline or gunpowder, goes fast or shoots a big bullet and makes lots of noise, thus producing torque and recoil — it’s cool.”
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