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Elmer Keith Memorial Shoot > Forums > Rifles > Win. pre 64

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Registered: 02/21/09
Posts: 88

    03/29/09 at 07:56 AMReply with quote#1

Awhile ago I was lucky to purchase a Winchester pre War pre 64 model 70 in 375H&H. The rifle is a second year production, however it has a 24" barrel that was used only on 1st year 375`s. The gun is perfect except for about
50% of the blue being worn away on the magazine floor plate from being carried by the original owner. I`ve seen the same rifle go for almost $5000 and other pre 64 gun prices go through the ceiling and I wanted to know if any of the members would know a fair value for this rifle. Thank you for any information.

I have more guns then I need but not as many as I want.
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Registered: 01/03/09
Posts: 109

    03/29/09 at 08:46 AMReply with quote#2

 I would assume in the $1,000.00 to $1,800.00 range depending on originality and condition this is the range I see them selling for in my area. Different parts of the country bring different values. I suggest checking gun broker for similar gun sales.  Is the barrel a normal weight or one of the straight tapers? The straight tapers bring a premium.



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