GOOD EVENING, Hand Gunners !
About a week ago I was talking with a neighbor during one of Mackenzie's track meets who told me about shooting rock chucks across a creek with a 44 Magnum. Although the conversation was protracted, the good fellow never got around to telling me exactly where that creek was nor did he suggest we go there together sometime. Chuck shooters are a lot like grouse hunters, very guarded about their spots.
Hoary Marmot (Rock Chuck)
Having known the guy for a while and the neighborhood he travels, I went for a short drive myself and found what may be the exact tree, or one very near to the one he leaned against. No, he didn't get them all. My S&W M-57 claimed a couple more, at least until my ammo supply expired. Next time I'll go better prepared.
Speaking of going prepared, no-one can argue about being well prepared when armed with the Ninth Annual ELMER KEITH Memorial Shoot Raffle Gun, a Freedom Arms Model 83 revolver chambered for the powerful 454 Casull cartridge.
Photo by Larry McMillian
Known variously as the "Swiss Watch of Revolvers", "The Perfect Packing Pistol", "Hand Cannon Supreme," and other awe inspired phrases; these firearms provide pride of ownership like few others. Some lucky participant will be taking it home on June 6.