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Elmer Keith Memorial Shoot > Forums > The '09 Shoot > GOOD EVENING, Hand Gunners !

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Straight Shooter
Registered: 01/09/09
Posts: 13

    05/09/09 at 08:21 PMReply with quote#1

GOOD EVENING, Hand Gunners !
Several Subjects:
The 44 SPECIAL cartridge has a reputation for near mystical accuracy and effect.  More likely, the guns made for this 100+ year old cartridge are of higher quality than some that preceded it.  Also, it's relatively light recoil enable many to shoot it well.  Because it was eclipsed by the 44 Magnum over 50 years ago, few new guns have been chambered for it in spite of a small but noisy constituency.
According to a feature article by Brian Pearce in the June 2009 issue of HANDLOADER Magazine, Ruger finally began producing their New Model Blackhawk in 44 Special recently.  It's not a catalog item, but according to the article, Lepsey's, one of Ruger's distributors in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, had to commit to an order of 2,000 to get Ruger to tool up for them. 
Terry Rogers of All American Arms old me Thursday he was able to only get five of the first 2,000 that went to his "A List" customers, which did NOT include me (sniff).  He said they have exceptionally smooth actions and those who put rounds through them reported very fine accuracy (sniff, sniff).  Terry is taking orders for guns from a second run (that will probably cost more and not be nearly as good---whine).
Countersunk chambers and the myths thereof were dispelled in another article by Brian Pearce in the same issue HANDLOADER.  Unless you're a die hard believer, this might be worth the price of the issue, maybe a subscription.  Oh my gosh, what's next?  Will someone tell us pinned barrels aren't worth what we've been paying?
Emtman Brothers Farms is a neighbor and sponsor of our shoot since the beginning.  They've provided their unique Piedmontese beef for many of our meals.  Details about their products are at:  http://www.emtmanbrothersfarms.com/.  The chief benefit of this beef is its very low fat content.  Also, the animals are finished on the farm where they were born and raised, with grains that are grown on the same farm without strange growth enhancing hormones or chemicals.  That's somewhat comforting in an era of disconcerting news stories about our food supply.
Yes, it takes a bit longer to raise the animals to prime condition this way.  Yes, you do have to fry, bake and grill it differently.  No you won't want to OVER fry, OVER bake or OVER grill it.  Take my word about that.  But, it beats whatever Costco has to offer 77 ways to Sunday.
In any event, they're having a rare SALE!  One of their hoity-toity Seattle commercial customers who monthly buys a bunch of short ribs changed his specification from three inch to inch and a half ribs a day before some three inchers were to be delivered. 
I'm reserving some of those orphaned three inchers for our shoot that'll be prepared in Dutch Ovens.  You may want to reserve some for yourself as well as some additional cuts to take home in a big cooler.  Check the website, then contact Brad Marlow at (509) 270-5010 or bradeb345@hotmail.com
NRA's Refuse To Be A Victim Seminar will be a new feature of the Ninth Annual Elmer Keith Memorial Shoot.  Robin Ball, proprietor of Sharp Shooting Indoor Range and Gun Shop, another enthusiastic supporter of our confab since the beginning and certified NRA instructor, has offered to present the program to those who are interested.  Information about the content is available at http://www.nrahq.org/rtbav/.  The seminar teaches participants about keeping themselves safe at home, in the office, on the street, in automobiles and when using technological devices such as telephones and computers.  This program will be particularly interesting for ladies.
It's time to get those kitchen passes secured, folks, and get the RSVP's to me so I can start planning the vittles procurement.  We have a good number already committed.  We can accommodate about 40 shooters.  If you're thinking about coming, now's the time to decide and let me know.
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