
Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
| Today at 09:29 PM | Reply with quote | #1 |
Hello, loyal members and good friends! Subscription time is coming up for this forum package, and being the broke cheapskate that I am, AND refusing to use a FREE package, including banner adds for Viagra, Yahoo IM etc ad nausea that goes along with the "FREE", I have been feverishly building our own message board/ members area/ forum using drupal, a sometimes awesome sometimes confusing sometimes downright %$#&^@# irritating but all in all pretty solid open source framework. (google "open source" if you care...) It's up and running, sure there will be some bugs to work out, could sure use some unwitting victims to stop by, (Try to) sign up, (Try to) post some topics, (Try to) reply to some posts, and (Try to) upload some pictures. I know... Groan... arrghhh... nobodywantstogothroughanewsignupagain...whine...ithurtstohavetothink... But come-on, giveitatry!!! Feedback PLEASE! Thanks-- Al PS: I think Ive figured out how to mirror this old forum into a static site over on our server, meaning most if not all of the links, content, photos, threads, etc should still be available, but no new posts, no log in. (hence the term "static")
PPS: Here, I even googled OPEN SOURCE for you:
"Open source is a development method for software that harnesses the power of distributed peer review and transparency of process. The promise of open source is better quality, higher reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and an end to predatory vendor lock-in." (I like that last part!) In a nut shell it's like having Chevy starters fit on Fords, and being able to cast all of your bullets with one mold, just check a few boxes......
OK, Back to my tasty adult beverage-- Al __________________ “If it rolls, floats, flies or shoots, runs on gasoline or gunpowder, goes fast or shoots a big bullet and makes lots of noise, thus producing torque and recoil — it’s cool.”
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