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Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73

    08/28/08 at 06:14 AMReply with quote#1

A gentleman that knew Elmer, Tom Kocis of the Triple S Development Company, told me this story.
Elmer was in Chicogo, on a business trip, enjoying his Chivas Regal, ( that he always had when away from home evidently). He was on the 5th floor of the lobby of the hotel, talking with Tom and another gentleman, sitting on the ledge,with his back toward the lobby area, when he went over backwards. Tom caught him by the leg, the other gentleman helped to pull him up. Elmer never missed a beat, and continued to talk about the subject (probibly guns) like nothing ever happened. Scared Tom and the other man half to death.
This was almost the end of Elmer. In Chicogo of all places. Like Elmer said when it is your time to die, you will go, and not a moment sooner, no matter what you go through.
This must have happened around 1976, 1977.

God Bless Elmer, He showed us the way. It is up to us to carry on. Chivas Regal for everyone, and powder smoke in your lungs.
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Registered: 07/06/08
Posts: 73

    07/13/09 at 08:30 PMReply with quote#2

Just read another article where Elmer was at an NRA convention, and went outside, probably for a smoke. A large man(I beleive he was black) came up to Elmer and told Elmer to give him his wallet. Elmer shot him in the foot,fast, and held him for the Police. When the police questioned Elmer as to why he had a gun, Elmer showed his deputy sheriff badge, and nothing else said. They took the lame man in the car, and Elmer returned to the convention. He never wrote this up. Makes you wonder what else he never wrote up?

God Bless Elmer, He showed us the way. It is up to us to carry on. Chivas Regal for everyone, and powder smoke in your lungs.
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Straight Shooter
Registered: 12/29/09
Posts: 19

    12/30/09 at 02:02 PMReply with quote#3

Nice story!  Yes, I have always wondered if there was some stories out there he held back!
On another board, I found Elmer was nearly done in by the Unibomber who bombed a plane he flew on. The bomb was ineffective and all was well. Talk about close calls!
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