Elmer Keith Forums

Elmer Keith Memorial Shoot Forums > Casting > Attention Southernman


Registered: 01/08/09
Posts: 53
01/20/10 at 10:09 AM

Since you have no time to cast after being bumped from the gravy job I thought you might enjoy looking at a few bullets.....Creeker


Registered: 03/03/10
Posts: 3
03/03/10 at 04:18 PM

You really know how to make casters get the lead out and go cast some SWC's.
My problem is, I do all my casting outdoors and the weather just ain't fit fer it.
Clint Bryant


Registered: 01/08/09
Posts: 53
03/03/10 at 04:44 PM

Welcome to the board Clint. Good to have you here. I'm blessed to have a casting place. In that lot of bullets were these: