Elmer Keith Forums

Elmer Keith Memorial Shoot Forums > Buy Sell Trade > Blemished 38-158-SWC FS [WV]


Registered: 01/08/09
Posts: 53
04/20/09 at 06:19 PM

New Lower Price

I have several of these 158 gr. SWC bullets for sale in WV. They are cast from virgin 92-6-2 alloy, sized .358 and Magma lube. As you can see some have a slightly rounded front driving band mostly on one side. Local law enforcement are using these for PPC with no complaints. A faulty thermostat and slightly cool alloy caused the defect. These bullets will shoot fine for blasting or plinking bullets but because of the defect we are discounting these to $53.00 per 1000 plus flat rate shipping. You can buy 3000 on one shipping fee for $166.00. Orders & Questions=[email]lah@suddenlink.net[/email]



Registered: 01/08/09
Posts: 53
06/11/09 at 06:51 PM

7000 left...........Creeker


Registered: 01/08/09
Posts: 53
06/12/09 at 07:00 PM

3000 left..........Creeker


Registered: 01/08/09
Posts: 53
06/20/09 at 06:53 AM

All bullets sold pending funds.