Elmer Keith Forums

Elmer Keith Memorial Shoot Forums > Loads > Big Bullets


Registered: 06/03/08
Posts: 37
12/31/08 at 09:07 AM


getting ready for New Years...


Registered: 01/08/09
Posts: 53
02/16/09 at 07:35 AM

I'm impressed. How 'bout an update.

Lynn & Barbara
Dry Creek Bullet Works


Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74
10/07/09 at 09:39 AM

If that is a replica it`s 37mm right?
If so it`s same as mine I Go to the State Police Range and pick up there 37mm shells and use them again I use a 209 shotgun primer 10 grs of fffg and my projectile is a 35mm film canister(use your imagination) wrapped with duct tape to fill out the barrel dia depending on length of 3/32 water resant fuse I can get aerial burst or lob them out there. Good luck keep busting caps.


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
10/07/09 at 12:12 PM

It's an odd ball, mics out at 40 but it's smooth bore. Metallic barrel. All the 40's are suppose to be rifled. Maybe some 37's mic at 40, who knows. 40's also should have serial #'s, which this does not. Seems to be a good setup for shooting primer only loads at the dog indoors. Lots of noise.