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Registered: 01/03/09
Posts: 109

    04/11/09 at 08:05 AMReply with quote#2

I usually limit it to two rifles one for non dangerous game and another for up close large game work. But if I could conveniently travel with three here are my choices.

1. Would be a bird or varmint type gun I would take  a . 22 a shotgun might appeal to someone else but I am a horrible shot with a shotgun.

2. 340 Weatherby  caliber (not in  a Weatherby rifle but a custom pre 64 model 70) this is one of the best non- dangerouse game calibers for long or close shots ever devised (close to 338/378 KT)

3. 416 Remington ( on another pre 64 model 70 with a short barrel) this is as good of an all around big game cartridge you can get. It performs as well as 416 Rigby at sensible velocities for close up big game hunting. It is more flexible than my favorite dangerous game gun a double rifle. Doubles really come into their own in very thick bush and on charges. Your 416 Rigby model 77 would work as well I just like the idea of two similar handling rifles.

From my experience a 375 is too big for the # 2 rifle and too small for the # 3 gun. If it came down to one gun I would take a 416 over a 375 any day of the week. I would rather be over gunned on small game than under gunned on dangerous game. THE ONLY REASON IT IS SO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED IS THAT PH'S FEEL IT IS THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF RECOIL A CLIENT CAN HANDLE TO ME THIS IS BS.


