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View Single Post Thread: Good Evening, short gun shooters
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Registered: 01/02/09
Posts: 9

    05/08/09 at 05:19 PMReply with quote#3

A interesting trick for fixed sight guns is that they may shoot different weight bullets to the same point of impact at a given distance by tinkering with bullet weights and speeds. I have a 45 colt Bisley Vaquero tuned to shoot a 335gr bullet at 1050fps (just below the sound barrier) if I run a 285gr RCBS 45-270SAA Keith style bullet at 850-900fps they hit to the same POI at 50 yards. Certainly they don't match at 25 yards (off by about one inch) and they certainly don't match at longer ranges ether but they are close enough for practice.

Also the effect you speak of will be more dramatic with longer barreled guns. My 4 5/8" Bisley and my 7 1/2" Bisley show a remarkable disparately of bullet hit changes as the bullet weight changes. It is all bullet time in barrel of course....