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View Single Post Thread: Welcome new members Fowler & Chg
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Dead Eye
Registered: 01/02/09
Posts: 32

    01/02/09 at 09:58 PMReply with quote#2

I was doing a search trying to find a replacement for an old Keith book "Sixguns".  I like to re-read it this time of the year and it's getting very worn.  The jacket is long gone approaching 35 years ago now, the binding gave up the ghost during Ronald Reagan's 2nd term and is in 3 pieces.  The center portion is 1/4" think and offers a quick light reading but it didn't break at the end of the chapter so..... the search was on!  That's how I came across your site.  Glad I did.  I would like to attend the 09 shoot. It's not far from home.  chg is short for C. Howie Grunts - was a joke at work years ago but the initials are easy to remember for a name. 
