Elmer seldom spoke of his brother Cy who I believe lived around the La Grande, Baker City, Oregon area until his death. Sort of wondered why dead silence fell over the car when the name of his brother came up. Well, in l995 I stopped at a bookstore in La Grande. The owners were avid gun culture folk. They had read something I wrote in Gun Digest. Next thing they take me to a man in his mid nineties who had a gun shop across the street. One of those old gun guys it isn't hard to like a lot. He had known both Elmer and his brother when Elmer lived in Durkee. Without going into details there was very bad blood concerning a land deal. Elmer also, being true to form, did not care for Cy's personal sidearm, a Colt .32 semi-auto. Most people around Durkee were very aware of this prejudice against wimpy calibers. Elmer was hardly ever a wallflower at the orgy. He let you know how he felt about something, regardless. He could start talking about some subject and have you agreeing with him or be in stitches over something he regarded as absolutely ridiculous as in gun control, 9 mms for the military, modern cowboys and rodeos, cheap foreign guns, certain game wardens and more than a few other topics. No wonder his popularity grows with time.