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Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74

    10/07/09 at 08:56 AMReply with quote#5

WW have a steel rim catcher in them also any dirt that has been embedded, the strip weights I stay away from really hard stuff.
I get more than I want from garages that service cars, ask once and they remember when they have to keep moving that 5 gal weight bucket, it dosn`t hurt a thing if you ask the boss if he is a shooter hence this for that.
When I do a big batch I use a propane turkey cooker and a old cast iron pot my pot will do approx 75lbs of lead safely I clamp vise grips to one side to pour ingots with I use a old soup spoon to skim the junk off the top once the metal is free from the steel,rubber valve stems, small bolts and the other junk then I flux the metal with lube be sure to do this outside or your wife will kill ya when the lube hits the lead it will smoke like h--- light this with a match burn off the smoke also stir the metal with the spoon to "mix" the tin antimony and zinc with the lead giving you a more consistent metal mix doing this now makes things a lot easier down the line. I pour 12 ingots at a time let them harden pop them out and do it again until that batch is gone then keep the batches separated until you use them.When I cast I go thru 50lbs like nothing using 4 cavity molds and big bullets the pot goes down fast.Good luck and wear long sleeves when you cast saves a lot of ouches! 

Keep Busting Caps