
Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
| 01/05/10 at 05:46 PM | Reply with quote | #5 |
I Didn't make it up, I think it belongs to Sterling Moss. (That's Sterling Moss, potato farmer and bootlegger, Not Sir Stirling Moss, race car driver) What's the price range for the hunting handgun? Revolver, Autoloader, or Single Shot? EAA Witness Hunter 45ACP, says Hunter right on the slide: (Looks like this one's been drilled for a scope mount)
S&W Magnum Hunter 44 mag, about the same price, Ruger Super Redhawk Hunter 44 mag, this one looks nice:
Any one want to jump in?
__________________ “If it rolls, floats, flies or shoots, runs on gasoline or gunpowder, goes fast or shoots a big bullet and makes lots of noise, thus producing torque and recoil — it’s cool.”
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