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View Single Post Thread: Any Great Gunwriters Today?
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Dead Eye
Registered: 01/02/09
Posts: 32

    01/26/09 at 08:21 PMReply with quote#3

I have to agree with them being more of an ad man than someone writting from experience.  You comment brings to mind an article in American Hunter about 1985.  The reason it sticks to mind so well is the guide involved was a  friend. The hunt was in the Selway River drainage in Idaho, the season at that time opened earlier than it does now and bugling was the perferred hunting method.  Gus came into town at the end of the season and was telling of taking this writer hunting.  He shot a bull with a 7 MM Rem. Mag.   Once the animal was down, the writer told him to bring the horses as close a possible, to get his T/C black powder rifle from the scabbard and to bring his day pack.

Gus did, the guy changed into some camo clothing and posed for photos with the T/C rifle and the elk.  When the article came out a year or so later, it was "one of the largest bodied bull elk, my guide had ever seen" and it was killed with one shot from his trusty T/C rifle. The camo manufacturer was named, as were the boots worn,  just about everything with the exception of his underwear was named with address and/or telephone number.  Gus got a good tip. 

That article seemd to be the start of the ad man process in my mind.  It's gotten steadily worse.  That aside, we did pass over a few good ones no longer with us, Bob Hagel from Gibbonsville, Idaho was a soft spoken gentleman who knew his stuff.  Both hunting and reloading.  Elmer Keith mentioned him in his writtings. Bob was above all, honest and sincere. Another is John Wootters.  Haven't seen much from him in years so guessing he's retired. 

I look forward to John Taffin's articles.   
