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Straight Shooter
Registered: 02/03/09
Posts: 10

    02/10/09 at 11:03 PMReply with quote#13

Sorry it took me a few days, I was tiling a bathroom floor all weekend.  I looked at my load and i'm at 77.5 grains of Reloader 19 with the 225 Interbond.  I got the load out of the Speer #12 manual, not too old, and the max listed in there is 78 grains Re 19.  I gauge my maximum loads more off of velocity than what book lists.  Once I hit 3000 with it I stopped knowing this is smokin for a starndard 338.  The Speer book listed in the high 2900 fps for this load as max with a boattail configuration and that's what the Interbond is.