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Registered: 10/02/09
Posts: 74

    10/02/09 at 07:50 AMReply with quote#1

I have one of these little critters it`s quite a hand full with the X frame grip it`s very controllable with bullets weighing up to 440 grs after that hold on, the 700gr is described as monster recoil!! I haven`t loaded any of the 700gr yet don`t think I will not hunting griz yet but the gun surly could. We have been shooting it at 200 and 300 it hits the steel with some kind of force only thing that rocks the steel like it is the 45-70 with 535 postells really shakes the steel B27 we shoot at. Loaded it down for whitetail hunting using a new powder for me it`s Hodgon Trail Boss looks like little Cheerios that have been in the milk too long! Works great I wanted around 1100fps from a 340swc lead bullet with 14 grs of powder for deer in my back yard, you won`t get a shot much over 100yds because of the trees so I don`t need full power of the beast just enough to kill quick and drop them where I shoot them getting tried of dragging up hill seems you always have to drag uphill dosn`t it! Thinking of sending the gun to a camo place and hide the stainless steel from sight. I don`t like stainless steel for my hunting guns reason I have seen the flashes of it on the power lines 4 poles away if my poor eyes can see that what `s a sharp eyed buck going to see I know everyone is entitled to what equipment you use and as it should be --- for me hide the stainless flash. Keep on busting caps.

Keep Busting Caps