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Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581

    07/08/09 at 06:58 AMReply with quote#2

Your welcome. I think I'd been visiting sixguns for quite a few years, saw some posts on other forums by Mr. Taffin repeatedly pointing out that it wasn't his site, that a friend of his built it in the "old days" and then later sold it. There were several times in the past when Sixguns couldn't be accessed, or shut down, kind of hit or miss.
 Well, it seemed to me that the body of information contained in Sixguns was to valuable to loose, and I started my quest. Fast forward to today and not only is the previous work secure on our Elmer Keith server, but Mr Taffin is again contributing to the site created to consolidate his work many years ago. If you want to thank him personally use the Sixguns Guestbook, you are sure to get a response.
RE: The 45 ACP Sixgun loading article you mentioned. I have a 45 ACP cylinder for my Ruger 3 screw Blackhawk, you can bet I'll be re-reading that article before I sit down to load anymore for said revolver.   


Ps: I would still like to get some other contributors, if you know any bug 'em a bit...

“If it rolls, floats, flies or shoots, runs on gasoline or gunpowder, goes fast or shoots a big bullet and makes lots of noise, thus producing torque and recoil — it’s cool.”