Elmer Keith Forums - Notices http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com Elmer Keith Forums - Notices 60 Sat, 29 May 2010 06:49:07 GMT OK, I know...... http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4738721 Hello, loyal members and good friends!<BR>Subscription time is coming up for this forum package, and being the broke cheapskate that I am,&nbsp;AND&nbsp;refusing to use a&nbsp;FREE package, including banner adds for Viagra, Yahoo IM etc ad nausea that goes along with the "FREE", I have been feverishly building our own message board/ members area/ forum using drupal, a sometimes awesome sometimes confusing sometimes downright %$#&amp;^@# irritating but all in all pretty solid open source framework. (google "open source" if you care...) It's up and running, sure there will be some bugs to work out, could sure use some unwitting victims to stop by, (Try to) sign up, (Try to) post some topics, (Try to) reply to some posts, and (Try to) upload some pictures. I know... Groan... arrghhh... nobodywantstogothroughanewsignupagain...whine...ithurtstohavetothink...<BR>But come-on, giveitatry!!! Feedback PLEASE!<BR>Thanks--<BR>Al<BR>PS:<BR>I think Ive figured out how to&nbsp;mirror this old forum into a static site over on our server, meaning&nbsp;most if not all of&nbsp;the links, content, photos, threads, etc&nbsp;should still&nbsp;be available, but no new posts, no log in. (hence the term "static")<BR><BR>&nbsp;PPS: Here, I even googled OPEN SOURCE for you:<BR><BR><EM>"Open source is a development method for software that harnesses the power of distributed peer review and transparency of process. The promise of open source is better quality, higher reliability, more flexibility, lower cost, and <B>an end to predatory vendor lock-in</B>."</EM> (I like that last part!) <BR>In a nut shell it's like having Chevy starters&nbsp;fit on Fords, and being able to cast all of your bullets with one mold, just check a few boxes......<BR><BR>OK, Back to my tasty adult beverage--<BR>Al<BR> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=143724">Notices</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4738721 Sat, 29 May 2010 04:29:21 GMT albroswift New Old Articles http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4710909 Added some old AR articles by Kieth to the site, check 'em out!<br><br><FONT color=#0000f0 size=3><FONT color=#0000f0 size=3><A href="http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/AmericanRifleman/LastWord.pdf" target=_blank><a href="http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/AmericanRifleman/LastWord.pdf" target="_blank">http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/AmericanRifleman/LastWord.pdf</a></A><br><br><FONT color=#0000f0 size=3><FONT color=#0000f0 size=3><A href="http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/AmericanRifleman/Sixgun.pdf" target=_blank><a href="http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/AmericanRifleman/Sixgun.pdf" target="_blank">http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/AmericanRifleman/Sixgun.pdf</a></A><br><FONT color=#0000f0 size=3><FONT color=#0000f0 size=3><br><A href="http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/AmericanRifleman/KeithCoyote.pdf" target=_blank><a href="http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/AmericanRifleman/KeithCoyote.pdf" target="_blank">http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/AmericanRifleman/KeithCoyote.pdf</a></A><br><FONT color=#0000f0 size=3><FONT color=#0000f0 size=3><br><A href="http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/AmericanRifleman/KeithPumpkin.pdf" target=_blank><a href="http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/AmericanRifleman/KeithPumpkin.pdf" target="_blank">http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/AmericanRifleman/KeithPumpkin.pdf</a></A><br><br></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=143724">Notices</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4710909 Mon, 10 May 2010 14:17:39 GMT albroswift Browser zoom settings http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4594065 Need some help, what are your zoom and text size&nbsp;settings? Trying to make our sites as viewer friendly as possible.<br>Thanks--<br>AL<br><IMG border=0 hspace=0 alt="" align=baseline src="http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/images/zoom.jpg"><br><br><IMG border=0 hspace=0 alt="" align=baseline src="http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/images/text.jpg"><br><br><br> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=143724">Notices</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4594065 Fri, 19 Feb 2010 15:31:29 GMT albroswift Sneak Peek, 2nd disk added http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4137909 <A href="http://www.sixguns.com/show/" target=_blank><a href="http://www.sixguns.com/show/" target="_blank">http://www.sixguns.com/show/</a></A><br>Enjoy!<br>If anyone wants to start matching these up with the articles on sixguns, have at it. I need an assistant!<br>Al<br> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=143724">Notices</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4137909 Sun, 27 Dec 2009 01:33:04 GMT albroswift Bunch of photos from Mr Taffin http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3975337 Just got a big care package in the mail full of CD's from Mr Taffin, will have lots of photos to post when I get back! <br>Al<br> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=143724">Notices</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3975337 Fri, 04 Dec 2009 15:21:53 GMT albroswift Moderator on vacation http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3975325 Moderator out of town for a couple of weeks, new member approvals will be a little slow. Got a lot of the bugs worked out of the new platform, control panel still looks a little !?%$ up, but everything works that I have checked, if you see something that dosen't, let me know. <BR>Hasta la vista<BR>Al<BR> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=143724">Notices</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3975325 Fri, 04 Dec 2009 15:18:46 GMT albroswift Starting over http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3951723 Board layout hopeless, starting over. Bear with me...<br>AL<br> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=143724">Notices</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3951723 Wed, 02 Dec 2009 01:22:26 GMT albroswift They did it to me again.... http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3913325 The boys and girls up at the website toolbox did something to the platform that seems to have changed some display characteristics. Bear with me, I'll try to sort it out. Doesn't seem to have affected function. Wish they would leave stuff alone, but I guess you can't fight progress...<br>PS Happy Thanksgiving--<br>Al<br><br> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=143724">Notices</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3913325 Fri, 27 Nov 2009 22:04:06 GMT albroswift Approvals and such... http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3801491 Administrative duties may be a little slow next week or two as the hoofed mammals are playing hard to get. I'll get to things as quick as I can.<br>AL<br> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=143724">Notices</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3801491 Mon, 09 Nov 2009 23:19:34 GMT albroswift Sixguns mailboxes http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3675437 <P><A href="mailto:You@sixguns.com" target=_blank target=_blank><a href="mailto:You@sixguns.com">You@sixguns.com</a></A> can be yours. Full featured web based email, POP3/ IMAP friendly,&nbsp;for a yearly donation of 25 bones. (Or more, if you like!) Also available, <A href="mailto:you@elmerkeithshoot.org" target=_blank target=_blank><a href="mailto:you@elmerkeithshoot.org">you@elmerkeithshoot.org</a></A>, and <A href="mailto:you@elkcamp.net" target=_blank target=_blank><a href="mailto:you@elkcamp.net">you@elkcamp.net</a></A>. All proceeds go to buying me more beer! (OK, it really goes to the Elmer Keith Fund, but who's counting, over $30,000.oo to date!) every little bit counts. </P> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=143724">Notices</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3675437 Sun, 20 Sep 2009 19:06:35 GMT albroswift New forum features http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3638970 If you notice the bottom of the forum post pages you will notice some Icons: Digg, StumbleUpon, Del.icio.us, google. <br>If anyone has kids that can explain what these are for let me know. Some sort of thread tracking/ notification stuff I believe.<br>Thanks--<br>Al<br><br> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=143724">Notices</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3638970 Thur, 27 Aug 2009 15:33:27 GMT albroswift Marlin/ H&R/ NEF Handi Rifle http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3581590 Added an article to Sixguns that Ace might be interested in, as he has a bucket full of these...<br>Send me photos and I'll add them to the bottom.<br> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=143724">Notices</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3581590 Tue, 21 Jul 2009 16:10:02 GMT albroswift 3 members pending Email Confirmation http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3550331 No board privilages yet? If you are on this list, we have not received your confirmation email yet. Check your spam filters. If you are having problems, contact us through the guest book and we will get you all squared away<br>Darren100&nbsp;Email Date 05/16/09<BR>Hammerhead357 Email Date 06/08/09<BR>Jwalesch&nbsp;Email Date 06/03/09<BR><br><P><BR>&nbsp;</P><TABLE id=body_containerTable border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=3></TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=3><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=body_table_blc_img></TD><TD class=body_table_bbg_img><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD align=left><SPAN class=checked_threads_txt></SPAN><NOSCRIPT></NOSCRIPT></TD><TD align=right><SPAN class=page_no></SPAN></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=body_table_brc_img></TD></TR><TR><TD align=left></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><P></P> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=143724">Notices</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3550331 Tue, 30 Jun 2009 14:52:10 GMT albroswift Never to early for the 2010 shoot http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3546821 If any of you have noticed, I've posted a couple of Hamilton Bowen articles on our sister site, sixguns.com. Ahh, what a coincidence...<BR>Would&nbsp;Hamilton Bowen doing us up one of his works of art, a Keith #5 in 44 Special, on a Ruger Frame, for the raffle gun next year get some of you to drive a little further? (I thought so...)<BR><BR>Mark your calenders , June 5th, 2010<BR><BR>Also, trying to find an article by Brian Pierce on a similar project for some photos, think it was in Handloader, if anyone can locate it, send me the link please. <BR>Al<BR> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=143724">Notices</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3546821 Sun, 28 Jun 2009 02:05:05 GMT albroswift A few shirts left http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3544166 2 XXL, 1 XL, 1 L, 5 M left. No reasonable offer refused! Help me unload a few more of these shirts and I'll get some Sixguns.com polos and tees going. <BR>Thanks for all the support!<BR>Al<BR><BR> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=143724">Notices</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3544166 Fri, 26 Jun 2009 01:38:58 GMT albroswift