Elmer Keith Forums - Open Topic http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com Elmer Keith Forums - Open Topic 60 Sat, 29 May 2010 06:50:10 GMT A few bullets http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4710383 Thrusday I met a couple other shooters at the freight yard and picked up some bullets.<BR>One thousand and seven hundred and seventy pounds!<BR>Seventy eight thousand bullets!<BR>What? No, not all mine.<BR>We had them all distributed by 9:30 PM<BR>This was a group buy and what a way to get a price.<BR>9mm,38,40,44, and 45s<BR>ace<BR> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=133972">Open Topic</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4710383 Mon, 10 May 2010 03:17:22 GMT ace Is this a great country or what? http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4684294 <br>My Dogs, My country<br><br><br><IMG border=0 hspace=0 alt="" align=baseline src="http://hosting.albroswift.com/images/MyDogs.jpg"><br><br>This morning I went to sign my Dogs up for&nbsp; welfare.&nbsp;&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw&nbsp; welfare".&nbsp; <BR>&nbsp; <BR>So I explained to her that my Dogs are&nbsp; mixed in color,&nbsp; unemployed, lazy, can't speak <br>English and have no frigging clue who their&nbsp; Daddys are.&nbsp; They expect me to feed them, <br>provide them with housing&nbsp; and medical care, and feel guilty because they are&nbsp; dogs.&nbsp; <br>So she looked in her policy book to see what&nbsp; it takes to qualify. <BR>&nbsp; <BR>My Dogs get their first checks&nbsp; Friday.&nbsp; <br>Damn this is a great&nbsp; country. <BR><br> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=133972">Open Topic</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4684294 Wed, 21 Apr 2010 20:27:23 GMT albroswift More boar http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4563703 <P>Took these 2 boar in North Carolina last weekend. Used my FA`s 454 and a handload with a 300gr Partition over a charge of H-110. The big red boar was in the 800 to 900lb class and one 300gr Partition through the shoulder was enough to put he down. The shot was about 40yds , across a small stream, after which he ran about 10yds and piled up. The smaller black boar was at close range with the exit wound visable in the picture. Both were taken with the 300gr from my 454.....The big boar had some very thick choppers and a viscous wound above the leg from another boar. This is the largest boar I`ve taken.</P> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=133972">Open Topic</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4563703 Mon, 08 Feb 2010 23:44:20 GMT Jamesfromjersey Please help. I need some load data. http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4461234 <P><FONT size=4>Ok I need some help.&nbsp; As I have only been reloading for a couple of years now, I need some advice from some of the older reloading manuals. I need to know loading data for a cast 250 grain semi-wad cutter, I need powder charges as well as&nbsp;C.O.L.&nbsp;with bullet seated.&nbsp; I need these for 44 magnum as well as 44 special.&nbsp; If anyone could help me with that it would be great because for some reason they seem to be leaving out certain grain bullets in the newer manuals.</FONT>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<FONT size=4>I thank whoever will take the time to do this.</FONT></P> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=133972">Open Topic</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4461234 Sat, 30 Jan 2010 20:59:18 GMT 44sixgun In case you missed it... http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4439207 State of the union address:<br><br><IMG border=0 hspace=0 alt="" align=baseline src="http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/images/albama.jpg"><br><br>Republican Response:<br><br><IMG border=0 hspace=0 alt="" align=baseline src="http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/images/notthisshit1.jpg"><br> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=133972">Open Topic</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4439207 Thur, 28 Jan 2010 16:40:20 GMT albroswift how's that hope and change working out for you? http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4357555 <br>Well???<br><IMG border=0 hspace=0 alt="" align=baseline src="http://www.elmerkeithshoot.org/images/obama.jpg"><br> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=133972">Open Topic</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4357555 Wed, 20 Jan 2010 16:37:28 GMT albroswift Thank you - Voters in Massachusetts!!! http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4355886 <P>It's hard to believe but the voters in Ma broke the 60/40 filibuster proof majority.&nbsp; I for one, want to say thank you.&nbsp; The balance of power is on it's way to being restored.&nbsp; Still a long way to go but voters have woke up to the BIG mistake made&nbsp;in Nov 08 and are making corrections.&nbsp; Hopefully more corrections will follow this November.&nbsp;&nbsp; Just a curious note here... I wonder if Obama is having his State of the Union Address rewritten right now?&nbsp;&nbsp;</P> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=133972">Open Topic</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4355886 Wed, 20 Jan 2010 13:15:04 GMT chg If you say it enough, it must be true http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4284096 <br><IMG border=0 hspace=0 alt="" align=baseline src="http://www.albroswift.com/images/demshonest.jpg"><br> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=133972">Open Topic</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4284096 Mon, 11 Jan 2010 20:11:35 GMT albroswift Current state of S&W pistols. http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4201235 I have been away from my passion for guns for a few years while immersing myself in trying to learn how to play guitar. Now, my passion for guns has returned and in catching up on the gun scene, I read that S&amp;W changed their locks to accomodate the buyers safety lock system. I have read a couple snarky comments concerning this new lock system and it concerns me as I want to get another Smith in the future. <br>What is the state of S&amp;W pistols now? Are the new ones any good? Would you be better off getting an older one? <br>My first pistol was a Mod 19 bought in 72 and it was a sweet gun. I miss it bad. Word of advice boys...never loan a gun to your ex-wife..you might never see it again. <br>I see they are making alot of the old models again. I would love to pick up Mod 29 someday. Jeez do they cost alot now. <br> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=133972">Open Topic</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4201235 Fri, 01 Jan 2010 19:55:24 GMT KansasScout Merry Christmas http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4128953 Merry Christmas everyone..<br>John<BR><br> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=133972">Open Topic</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=4128953 Fri, 25 Dec 2009 22:01:59 GMT johniv Holster wear on blued steel http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3949707 <P>I was wondering if anyone cared to comment on whether or not keeping a blued steel gun in a holster for extended periods of time damaged the finish? I have always kept mine in cases when not in use but I see quite a few pictures with old guns stored in holsters. Thanks, Chris</P> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=133972">Open Topic</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3949707 Tue, 01 Dec 2009 21:04:37 GMT chris3755 Heros http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3873949 Some of our hunting camp buddies were sitting around the camp after hunting hard all day, and getting our belly's stretched at dinner, the conversation came onto hero's no not one of those big sandwich's cram ed whit everything under the sun but the real deals, some spoke of JFK, Patton, Lincon, Firefighters on 911, the people the took the plane from the terrorists and crashed all great Hero's no Question about it. Then it was my turn, I though a minute and replied "my nephew Steven", I was thrown a few strange looks, Then I went on to say he didn`t serve in the military or cop or any Public Servant, What he did do is something that me or my brothers couldn`t do for our father, He gave a Kidney to my oldest brother his dad and saved his life. My brother had Diabetes in a bad way going to get "hooked up" every couple days and feeling generally poor all the time going on for a couple years and took a bad turn landing him in the hospital for an extended stay, wrong meds, bad communication,had alot of big bumps in his road he was placed on a donors list was there for awhile and his condition was going down something had to be done.I and my Nephew have the same blood type so we were elected took all the tests and it came down to a Kidney that was 22 years younger Steven was it. The operation went a little longer than they planed but came out well my brother is still with us and Steven is doing fine.<BR>So when anyone ever asks me who`s your Hero? you might see a tear in the corner of my eye when I say my nephew it might be pride to know him or the gift of life he so easily gave to his dad.<BR>Hero`s big and small we NEED them to show the rest of us how to live,God smiles on them forever. <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=133972">Open Topic</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3873949 Mon, 23 Nov 2009 18:36:13 GMT marksman45b Luck good or not http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3845905 Some people have it and some don`t.A friend of mine called a couple days back to tell me of an extraordinary story, it seems that in the wee hours of the morning there was crash in his family room, breaking glass, pounding on the walls, plants overturned, pictures off the walls, holes in the couch in the chairs generally trashed room, two windows broken one in one out, blood on the carpet and on the sill, he called the police they came to make the report, they found hove prints in the ground outside and a blood trail which they followed but they lost the blood and gave up, police losing a blood&nbsp;trail go figure.His insurance I hope will pay to get his family room back in shape.I suggested he run a guide service having his clients sit in the family room and wait.Luck some people have it and some don`t <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=133972">Open Topic</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3845905 Fri, 20 Nov 2009 16:01:00 GMT marksman45b Happy Veterans Day http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3808373 At the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month the great war has ended and peace reigns over the land.<BR><BR>Lest We Ever Forget<BR><BR>Why do you still march old man,with medals on your chest?<BR>Why do you still grieve old man,for those friends you laid to rest?<BR>Why do your eyes gleam old man,when you hear those bugles blow?<BR>Tell me why you cry old man, about those days so long ago.<BR><BR>I'll tell you why I march young man, with medals on my chest<BR>I'll tell you why I grieve young man, for those I laid to rest,<BR>Through misty fields of gossamer silk come visions of distant times,<BR>When boys of tender age lost lives, and all their mothers pined;<BR>We buried them in a blanket shroud, their young flesh scorched and blackened,<BR>A communal grave newly gouged in blood stained gorse and bracken,<BR>And you ask me why I march young man, I march to remind you all,<BR>That but for those apple-blossom youths, you'd never have known freedom at all.<BR><BR>author unknown<BR><BR>Thanks to all Veterans <BR> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=133972">Open Topic</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3808373 Wed, 11 Nov 2009 22:41:45 GMT Huck handgunning boar http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3804636 I accidentally deleted the first posting of this topic...These are some photos of past boar hunts. The fat boar with the open sight handgun was a Redhawk using Winchester 44mag ammo loaded with a 250gr Partition.The other 2 boar were taken on the same day using my Freedom Arms 454 that was also loaded with Win. factory ammo using a 260gr Partition bullet. The pig with the stick in its mouth was still alive and I finished it with a 280gr<BR>SWC-GC bullet over a good charge of H-110 from my Ruger Bisly with a <BR>4 5/8" barrel. Love hunting boar....<BR> <p>Forum: <a href="http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/?forum=133972">Open Topic</a> http://albroswift.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=3804636 Wed, 11 Nov 2009 02:15:06 GMT Jamesfromjersey