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A few bulletsace69 1 05/09/10 at 08:53 PM
by albroswift
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Is this a great country or what?albroswift88 1 04/29/10 at 07:49 PM
by chg
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Current state of S&W pistols.KansasScout332 8 04/27/10 at 04:25 AM
by SafarisAfrica
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More boarJamesfromjersey118 7 02/12/10 at 02:25 PM
by albroswift
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My blood is boiling now!!Paladin184 10 02/09/10 at 11:40 PM
by gunsmith
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What would Elmer think?Paladin176 8 02/09/10 at 11:31 PM
by gunsmith
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Thank you - Voters in Massachusetts!!!chg63 1 02/09/10 at 11:23 PM
by gunsmith
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how's that hope and change working out for you?albroswift69 1 02/09/10 at 11:20 PM
by gunsmith
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In case you missed it...albroswift91 4 02/04/10 at 06:22 AM
by chg
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Please help. I need some load data.44sixgun88 4 01/31/10 at 12:56 PM
by albroswift
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Taffin Articles in SIXGUNSSafarisAfrica142 6 01/27/10 at 06:36 AM
by SafarisAfrica
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handgunning boarJamesfromjersey170 12 01/24/10 at 06:32 PM
by Jamesfromjersey
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If you say it enough, it must be truealbroswift77 4 01/19/10 at 07:22 PM
by albroswift
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Holster wear on blued steelchris3755107 5 12/31/09 at 10:21 PM
by KansasScout
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Merry Christmasjohniv61 6 12/26/09 at 10:19 AM
by albroswift
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S&W 500 Magnummarksman45b134 4 12/19/09 at 09:10 AM
by marksman45b
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LargeDouble Actionsmarksman45b126 2 12/19/09 at 06:33 AM
by Jamesfromjersey
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Herosmarksman45b88 2 12/19/09 at 06:24 AM
by Jamesfromjersey
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