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Elmer Keith Memorial Shoot Forums > Open Topic > Is this a great country or what?


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
04/21/10 at 01:27 PM

My Dogs, My country

This morning I went to sign my Dogs up for  welfare.  
At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw  welfare". 
So I explained to her that my Dogs are  mixed in color,  unemployed, lazy, can't speak
English and have no frigging clue who their  Daddys are.  They expect me to feed them,
provide them with housing  and medical care, and feel guilty because they are  dogs. 
So she looked in her policy book to see what  it takes to qualify.
My Dogs get their first checks  Friday. 
Damn this is a great  country.


Registered: 01/02/09
Posts: 32
04/29/10 at 07:49 PM

Good move Al!  I'll have to move to Clarkston for mine to qualify.