Elmer Keith Forums

Elmer Keith Memorial Shoot Forums > Open Topic > nothing to do with Elmer, guns, knifes, shooting, etc


Registered: 06/02/08
Posts: 581
10/17/08 at 10:43 AM

Delt with 4 online services this week. Setting up a new company and needed fax and voice.
E-fax, E-Voice: Website operates well but getting information was tough and every time I asked a question they would tell me how great they were, and let's get going on the sign-up.
Sprint: What I use for my mobile phone. What can I say, they took the worst customer support team on the planet (NEXTEL) and paired it with the worst web design team I have ever seen. Cool phones though.
Earthlink: What I use at home. Good site, poor support. I could always find someone that would tell me the products I wanted were available, and always get transferred  someone else who would tell me they were not.
Vonage: Good site design, good support, the right products, good pricing.
Can you guess who I went with?


Registered: 01/25/09
Posts: 26
01/26/09 at 03:00 PM

They call it "Sprint" because that's what the customer service people do when you need help!