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Registered: 01/03/09
Posts: 140

    03/28/09 at 09:40 AMReply with quote#7

Hi, When I'm hunting I have my S.S. 5 1/2 " Ruger Redhawk .44 Magnum loaded with factory 240 gr. JHP Federal Redbox. I don't reload & this has been a most accurate load in my gun.
If I'm just running around in heavier clothes I have my S&W Airweight S.S. J-Frame M-642 .38 Spl. +P rated loaded with Speer Gold Dot 135 gr. JHP +P .38 Spl's.
If its warmer outside and I have a t-shirt and jeans or shorts on I have my...don't laugh, my Colt Junior .25 Auto, I said don't laugh, with Federal FMJ 50 grainer's. One in the chamber with the hammer on half cocked. I know its alittle to much gun for society these days, but its better than being unarmed !