ChrisO Moderator
Registered: 01/03/09
Posts: 140
| 07/03/09 at 04:10 PM | Reply with quote | #2 |
Hi tbbryan, Sounds like you got that thing we call "Elmeritis" ! If your not a reloader I would start with a .45 Colt, my choice would be a Ruger Blackhawk..barrel length depends on you but a 7 1/2" would serve. Once you get used to that you might want to choose either Buffalo Bore or Grizzly ammo with some hotter factory loads that should handle most anything in the "lower 48". Keep you eyes open at used book stores or the internet for Mr. Keith's or Mr. Skelton's books. You might come accoss a bargin like I did and once you find them they'll be hard to put down or loan out ! Personally, I like the Ruger Redhawk in .44 mag with a 5 1/2" bbl, But it is a little on the heavy side but should out live me, even with heavier 300 grainers as an every day load. Take Care ! Chris from PA |
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