Got a little problem here, maybe there are some Elmer Keith/ Diesel types out there that can help...
99 F350 Western WA This winter very hard starting/ white smoke. not that cold, around 35 deg problem shows up. Waiting 1-1/2 mins for the gp's to get good and hot helps a little. Went through all the cold weather advice on the truck forum, dosen't quite fit. Batteries good, etc. Almost ready to take it in to "The Most Expensive Shop in the World" (Ford Dealer). Filled up in Eastern WA 3 days ago and now it starts without waiting for GP's to heat. Fires almost instantly. Didn't even wait for the "wait to start" light to go out this morning, 32 degs out. No white smoke. It appears the diesel in Wenatchee works a lot better then the diesel in Seattle. Low sulfur/ no sulfur? Is this likely and what can be done? (besides moving to AZ)